Price Revision in GHS Currency for 2023.

We would like to bring to your attention the upcoming price changes for Ghanaian Cedis currency (GHS). The revision of the prices is due to the high exchange rate to the Ghanaian Cedis  (GHS). You can view the list price revision here.    This price change comes into effect from 1st February 2023. For new subscriptions, the change is ... Lees verder »

28e Jan 2023
Price Revision in GHS Currency.

We would like to bring to your attention the upcoming price changes for Ghanaian Cedis currency (GHS). The revision of the prices is due to the high exchange rate to the Ghanaian Cedis  (GHS). You can view the list price revision here. This price change comes into effect from 2nd September 2021.   This price revision applies to new ... Lees verder »

2e Sept 2021
PayPal payment fixed

Hi, We’re excited to inform you that the option for our “Pay with PayPal” payment channel is now active, and you can now pay using PayPal. The payment option was temporarily inactive for a short while due to a technical issue, but this has been fixed now. We deeply apologise for the inconvenience this must have caused for your business, ... Lees verder »

29e Jun 2020