Standard Audio Player: Install SSL radio player on your website

Hello Lens Networks members... So you are getting ready to purchase or already purchased your new SSL streaming radio link. Now you want to use your secure SSL link on your web site. You will need to insert the code below within your web site. Keep in mind you will need to place YOUR SSL link where it shows YOUR-SSL-LINK-GOES-HERE in order for this to work. This code is for your basic html web sites. If this code does not function with your type of web site you will need to contact the web site company for help.

SHOUTcast Broadcasters: Place this code on your web site/ page

<audio controls autoplay>

<source src="https://YOUR-SSL-LINK-GOES-HERE/Stream" type="audio/mpeg">



You will notice the SSL link shows HTTPS

Also take notice at the /;listen.pls in the link.

Example SHOUTcast Radio Player Below

IceCast Broadcasters: Place this code on your web site/ page

<audio controls autoplay>

<source src="https://YOUR-SSL-LINK-GOES-HERE/stream" type="audio/mpeg">


You will notice the SSL link shows HTTPS

Also take notice at the /stream in the link.

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